Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Dota 2 13th June Patch – Content Analysis

This week’s Dota 2 test patch has arrived bringing a number of bug fixes for the big three additions from last week’s patch, including the general bug fixes we’ve also had a few updates to the UI and hero selector. You can view the full changelog here.

Front End Changes

UI Updates

We’ve a new hero inspect feature and the card based hero selection system has once again been updated, tweaks have been made in order to improve the look and functionality of the grid based selection system.
Inspect Hero
There’s now a new option on the scoreboard, click it will allow you to “inspect” the hero, which will show
you what cosmetic items that player has equipped.

Aghanim’s Scepter Tooltip
Aghanim’s Scepter now has it’s own tooltip for displaying the upgrades that hero will gain from purchasing the item.
Scepter’s shop tooltip (Before purchase):

Scepter’s inventory/ability tooltip (After purchase):

Hero Loadout UI
The loadout UI/hero pedestal has been updated to now allow the rotation of the hero.

Hero Selector UI
The selector UI has been updated with a number of changes, adding some new features and improving the grid layout.
It’s also now possible to return back to the browsing the hero list, allowing you to make recommendations to your team, “Return to browsing”:

“Return to Loadout”, to go back to the loadout customisation window.

The grid based layout has been updated so instead of showing cards, it now shows the full hero portrait and there’s also a “pick hero” button now directly on the layout.

Using the button in the bottom left corner, you’ll also be able to completely customise the grid layout, moving the cards around to where ever you want to and also resizing them with the mouse scroll wheel.

These layouts can be imported/exported and shared with other users.

International 2012 Ticket
The image used for the 2012 International tickets has been updated.

Hero Updates

We’ve some more updates this week to one of the older heroes, Earthshaker is now the latest hero to receive a makeover to his textures.
Earthshaker’s Updates
Earthshaker has had his body texture and totem texture updated, giving him a much more visually pleasing look.
New Earthshaker – In Game:

New Earthshaker (Front) – Model Viewer:

Old Earthshaker (Front) – Model Viewer:

New Earthshaker (Side) – Model Viewer:

Old Earthshaker (Side) – Model Viewer:

Phantom Assassin’s Updates
Phantom Assassin has had her hero icon updated to make use of her new textures.

Back End Changes

Updated Strings

Strings for the new Scepter tooltip:

    //Ultimate Scepter Upgrade
    "DOTA_Tooltip_Ultimate_Upgrade"      "UPGRADES: "
Updates to the killstreak messages, now contains custom font colouring:

    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_3"  "%s1 is on a <font color='#00FF40'><b>killing spree</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_4"  "%s1 is <font color='#400080'><b>dominating</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_5"  "%s1 has a <font color='#FF0080'><b>mega kill</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_6"  "%s1 is <font color='#FF8000'><b>unstoppable</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_7"  "%s1 is <font color='#808000'><b>wicked sick</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_8"  "%s1 has a <font color='#FF80FF'><b>monster kill</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_9"  "%s1 is <font color='#FF0000'><b>GODLIKE</b></font>"
    "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_10"  "%s1 is beyond <font color='#FF8000'><b>GODLIKE</b></font>, someone kill him!!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_3_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#00FF40'><b>killing spree</b></font> for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_4_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#400080'><b>dominating</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_5_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#FF0080'><b>mega kill</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_6_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#FF8000'><b>unstoppable</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"

    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_7_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#808000'><b>wicked sick</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_8_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#FF80FF'><b>monster kill</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_9_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#FF0000'><b>GODLIKE</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
    "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_10_Ended"  "%s1 has just ended %s2’s <font color='#FF8000'><b>GODLIKE</b></font> streak for %s3 gold!"
Wisp is now listed as an in game unit:

    "npc_dota_hero_wisp"        "Wisp"
Gyrocopter’s abilities now have lore:

    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_Lore"      "Aurel's new craft has an increased payload for rockets, enhancing their rapid-fire capabilities."
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Lore"    "The biggest missile Aurel could possibly attach to his craft, The Bomb™ has carefully calculated aerodynamics and explosives for maximum impact."
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_Lore"      "This newly revamped Gyrocopter has attached 
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_Lore"        "'Bombs Away!'"
Chaos Knight’s abilities now have lore:

    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_Lore"        "Even Chaos Knight cannot predict this manifest of unholy energy."
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_Lore"        "Armageddon rides between the planes, bringing Chaos Knight to his victim wherever he may hide."
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_Lore"      "Chaos Knight's unwieldy power bludgeons those who stand before him, crushing the thickest of armors."
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_Lore"        "Drawing on his battles fought across many worlds and many times, phantasms of the Chaos Knight rise up to quell all who oppose him."
Strings for the updated hero selector UI:

    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Edit_Title"    "Customize Layout"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Save_Title"    "Save Changes"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Cancel_Title"  "Discard Changes"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Reset_Title"  "Reset To Default"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Import_Title"  "Import Layout"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Export_Title"  "Export Layout"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Import_Text"  "Load a layout from a file. Layouts need to be placed in your dota/cfg/layouts directory to appear in the import list."
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Export_Text"  "Export your layout to a file. Your layout is automatically saved in the Steam Cloud, but if you wish to share it with a friend, use this to export it. Exported layouts will be written to your dota/cfg/layouts directory."
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Export"        "Enter Filename"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Export_Succeeded"    "Layout Exported"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import"        "Select Layout"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import_Failed"      "Import Failed"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import_Succeeded"    "Layout Imported"

    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToBrowsing_Title"  "Return"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToBrowsing_Text"  "To Browsing"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToLoadout_Title"  "Return"
    "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToLoadout_Text"  "To Loadout"
String for the “Inspect Hero” function:

    "DOTA_UserMenu_Inspect"                      "Inspect Hero"
Delete item strings have been updated to reinforce the fact that yes, you’re deleting an item:

    // UI
    "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText"        "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone."
    "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText_Recycle"    "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone. When you destroy this %s1 item you will have a small chance of immediately discovering one %s2 item."
    "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText_UltraRare"    "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone. <i><b><font color='#FF2222'>This item is exceptionally rare. You may not want to destroy it.</font></b></i> There is no chance of discovering a new item when this one is deleted."

Unreleased Custom Courier Update

We’ve some more updates to the custom frog courier.
Flying Frog Courier
The flying version of the frog courier now has its first animation, an idle flying animation.

Bonus GIF:

Unreleased Hero Portraits & Ability Icons

We’ve a number of new ability icons this week and a new hero portrait.
Rubick’s Hero Portrait

Naga Siren’s Ability Icons
Naga Siren now has an ability icon for her cancelling her song of the siren ability.
Templar Assassin’s Ability Icons
Undying’s Ability Icons

Unused Cosmetic Items

This week’s patch brought some new unused cosmetic items into the files. *
* Disclaimer: These items have not been implemented in the game, the models are just in the files, that does not mean they will added into the game.
Queen of Pain’s Cosmetic Items
Ripper Dagger:


Snake Dagger (WIP/Untextured etc):

Witch Doctor’s Cosmetic Items
We’ve had a couple of updates to some of Witch Doctor’s items I covered last week.
Alligator Mask:
The alligator mask has been re-textured from the version we saw last week.

Last week’s texture:

Pet Snake:
The pet snake has also been re-textured since the version we saw in last week’s patch.

Last week’s texture:

Unreleased Hero Subtitles

We now have some subtitles for Luna.
Luna’s Subtitles

  "Language"    "English"
    "luna_luna_spawn_01"    "luna: Luna!"
    "luna_luna_spawn_02"    "luna: The Moon Rider has arrived."
    "luna_luna_spawn_03"    "luna: In the service of Selemene."
    "luna_luna_spawn_04"    "luna: Nova could use a snack."
    "luna_luna_battlebegins_01"    "luna: The Dark Moon comes."
    "luna_luna_battlebegins_02"    "luna: Watch over me, Goddess.  It'll be a good show."
    "luna_luna_firstblood_01"    "luna: First blood!  For Selemene and for the Dark Moon!"
    "luna_luna_move_01"    "luna: Yes!"
    "luna_luna_move_02"    "luna: Yes."
    "luna_luna_move_03"    "luna: Hyah!"
    "luna_luna_move_04"    "luna: Hyah!"
    "luna_luna_move_05"    "luna: Let's go!"
    "luna_luna_move_06"    "luna: Let's go!"
    "luna_luna_move_07"    "luna: Absolutely."
    "luna_luna_move_08"    "luna: Good plan."
    "luna_luna_move_09"    "luna: Illuminating."
    "luna_luna_move_10"    "luna: For the night."
    "luna_luna_move_11"    "luna: Come, Nova!"
    "luna_luna_move_12"    "luna: Quickly now!"
    "luna_luna_move_13"    "luna: The night sees all."
    "luna_luna_move_14"    "luna: By starlight."
    "luna_luna_move_15"    "luna: Selemene commands."
    "luna_luna_move_16"    "luna: We ride."
    "luna_luna_move_17"    "luna: On the prowl."
    "luna_luna_move_18"    "luna: Stalking."
    "luna_luna_move_19"    "luna: What do you see?"
    "luna_luna_move_20"    "luna: On the hunt."
    "luna_luna_attack_01"    "luna: Attack!"
    "luna_luna_attack_02"    "luna: Attack!"
    "luna_luna_attack_03"    "luna: Taste my steel!"
    "luna_luna_attack_04"    "luna: Catch!"
    "luna_luna_attack_05"    "luna: Crescent steel!"
    "luna_luna_attack_06"    "luna: For Nightsilver!"
    "luna_luna_attack_07"    "luna: For Dark Moon!"
    "luna_luna_attack_08"    "luna: Into battle!"
    "luna_luna_attack_09"    "luna: Into battle!"
    "luna_luna_attack_10"    "luna: This will hurt."
    "luna_luna_attack_11"    "luna: Fear the moon!"
    "luna_luna_attack_12"    "luna: With pleasure."
    "luna_luna_attack_13"    "luna: Death approaches."
    "luna_luna_attack_14"    "luna: The hunt!"
    "luna_luna_attack_15"    "luna: You won't escape!"
    "luna_luna_attack_16"    "luna: Heads up!"
    "luna_luna_attack_17"    "luna: Heads up!"
    "luna_luna_attack_18"    "luna: Heads up!"
    "luna_luna_attack_19"    "luna: Incoming!"
    "luna_luna_attack_20"    "luna: Slice!"
    "luna_luna_attack_21"    "luna: Slice!"
    "luna_luna_attack_22"    "luna: Red moon!"
    "luna_luna_attack_23"    "luna: Try to run!"
    "luna_luna_attack_24"    "luna: Who dares?"
    "luna_luna_attack_25"    "luna: Who dares?"
    "luna_luna_attack_26"    "luna: For Selemene!"
    "luna_luna_attack_27"    "luna: Ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_attack_28"    "luna: Ha!"
    "luna_luna_cast_01"    "luna: No mercy!"
    "luna_luna_cast_02"    "luna: No mercy!"
    "luna_luna_cast_03"    "luna: I'll see your entrails."
    "luna_luna_cast_04"    "luna: Run them down!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_01"    "luna: Lunar light!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_02"    "luna: Lucent beam!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_03"    "luna: Stars shine!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_04"    "luna: Starlight!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_05"    "luna: Piercing light!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_06"    "luna: Piercing!"
    "luna_luna_ability_lucentbeam_07"    "luna: Selemene!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_01"    "luna: Eclipse!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_02"    "luna: Eclipse!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_03"    "luna: Eclipse!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_04"    "luna: Feel the moon!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_05"    "luna: The night sky opens wide!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_06"    "luna: The eclipse is upon you!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_07"    "luna: Blessed be the night!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_08"    "luna: Let the sky tear down the unworthy!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_09"    "luna: Wrath of the Goddess!"
    "luna_luna_ability_eclipse_10"    "luna: Behold the piercing sky!"
    "luna_luna_ability_failure_01"    "luna: The stars are against me."
    "luna_luna_ability_failure_02"    "luna: Damn clouds."
    "luna_luna_ability_failure_03"    "luna: W'scratch that idea!"
    "luna_luna_levelup_01"    "luna: The moon smiles upon me!"
    "luna_luna_levelup_02"    "luna: A new moon!"
    "luna_luna_levelup_03"    "luna: Blessings upon a loyal warrior."
    "luna_luna_levelup_04"    "luna: The sky alight!"
    "luna_luna_levelup_05"    "luna: The night settles in."
    "luna_luna_levelup_06"    "luna: Beautiful."
    "luna_luna_levelup_07"    "luna: They will fear me."
    "luna_luna_levelup_08"    "luna: They will find my blade sharp, and cruel."
    "luna_luna_levelup_09"    "luna: I'm done being merciful!"
    "luna_luna_levelup_10"    "luna: The moon waxes, and my mercy wanes."
    "luna_luna_kill_01"    "luna: Hungry Nova?"
    "luna_luna_kill_02"    "luna: Die mongrel."
    "luna_luna_kill_03"    "luna: Pitiful."
    "luna_luna_kill_04"    "luna: Die with honor, whelp."
    "luna_luna_kill_05"    "luna: Aww.  Are you not going to beg?"
    "luna_luna_kill_06"    "luna: Lost in the woods, are you?"
    "luna_luna_kill_07"    "luna: Do not cross the Dark Moon."
    "luna_luna_kill_08"    "luna: Let the skies take you."
    "luna_luna_kill_09"    "luna: Clearly not your best."
    "luna_luna_kill_10"    "luna: What is this?  I came here for a battle!"
    "luna_luna_kill_11"    "luna: Pathetic."
    "luna_luna_rival_01"    "luna: Did you hear that Nova?  He thought he was a lion!"
    "luna_luna_rival_02"    "luna: And they call me cold hearted..."
    "luna_luna_rival_03"    "luna: Finally, some peace and quiet."
    "luna_luna_rival_04"    "luna: Windrunner, slow down and stay down."
    "luna_luna_rival_05"    "luna: The moon does play favorites, Night Stalker."
    "luna_luna_rival_06"    "luna: The moon turns against the Night Stalker."
    "luna_luna_rival_07"    "luna: Having a bad night, Stalker?"
    "luna_luna_rival_08"    "luna: Normally I look my enemies in the eyes when I slay them."
    "luna_luna_rival_09"    "luna: Looks like time has finally caught up to you."
    "luna_luna_rival_10"    "luna: Not bad for a cat toy."
    "luna_luna_rival_11"    "luna: Two heads, and not one wit."
    "luna_luna_rival_12"    "luna: All your brilliance comes to nothing."
    "luna_luna_rival_13"    "luna: Dismounted."
    "luna_luna_rival_14"    "luna: I'll take your hoof for a trophy."
    "luna_luna_rival_15"    "luna: No princess lives forever, Mirana."
    "luna_luna_rival_16"    "luna: I've waited years to do that."
    "luna_luna_rival_17"    "luna: Don't blame me for being ambitious."
    "luna_luna_rival_18"    "luna: Succeeded."
    "luna_luna_rival_19"    "luna: Nova loves to play with vermin."
    "luna_luna_rival_20"    "luna: I'll have your trophies."
    "luna_luna_ally_01"    "luna: You will have your vengeance, Spirit."
    "luna_luna_ally_02"    "luna: Bring them winter, Crystal Maiden."
    "luna_luna_ally_03"    "luna: Light the way, Lina."
    "luna_luna_ally_04"    "luna: By your leave, Princess Mirana."
    "luna_luna_ally_05"    "luna: Ah, Zeus!  The heavens are with us."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_01"    "luna: For the cause."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_02"    "luna: Unworthy."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_03"    "luna: Unworthy."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_04"    "luna: Weakling."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_05"    "luna: Cat food."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_06"    "luna: Another death."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_07"    "luna: Insignificant."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_08"    "luna: Is that it?"
    "luna_luna_lasthit_09"    "luna: Poor thing."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_10"    "luna: A harvest moon."
    "luna_luna_lasthit_11"    "luna: Poor wee thing."
    "luna_luna_death_01"    "luna: No!"
    "luna_luna_death_02"    "luna: No!"
    "luna_luna_death_03"    "luna: Am I forsaken?"
    "luna_luna_death_04"    "luna: I go willingly..."
    "luna_luna_death_05"    "luna: You honor me..."
    "luna_luna_death_06"    "luna: I hear whispers."
    "luna_luna_death_07"    "luna: Nova?  Nova?"
    "luna_luna_death_08"    "luna: Not... now..."
    "luna_luna_death_09"    "luna: Worthy opponent."
    "luna_luna_death_10"    "luna: Well done."
    "luna_luna_death_11"    "luna: Just... getting started."
    "luna_luna_death_12"    "luna: I'm better than... this."
    "luna_luna_death_13"    "luna: You'll regret that."
    "luna_luna_shite_01"    "luna: Shite."
    "luna_luna_fastres_01"    "luna: Another phase begins."
    "luna_luna_respawn_01"    "luna: The hunt continues!"
    "luna_luna_respawn_02"    "luna: Nova!  I missed you!"
    "luna_luna_respawn_03"    "luna: We ride once more."
    "luna_luna_respawn_04"    "luna: Selemene has sent me back."
    "luna_luna_respawn_05"    "luna: The woods are unsafe.  My work is not yet complete!"
    "luna_luna_respawn_06"    "luna: Oh they will rue this day."
    "luna_luna_respawn_07"    "luna: No time to lose!"
    "luna_luna_respawn_08"    "luna: I will not fail again."
    "luna_luna_respawn_09"    "luna: Ready for battle once more."
    "luna_luna_respawn_10"    "luna: Now for payback!"
    "luna_luna_respawn_11"    "luna: Back on the hunt!"
    "luna_luna_rare_01"    "luna: I would water the trees with their entrails if Selemene would smile on me."
    "luna_luna_rare_02"    "luna: Hah!  I remember when Nova tried to kill me.  Good girl."
    "luna_luna_rare_03"    "luna: I was once the scourge of the plains, a terror on the wind. What hope do our enemies think they have?"
    "luna_luna_purch_01"    "luna: A gift from the Goddess."
    "luna_luna_purch_02"    "luna: Worthy of my arsenal."
    "luna_luna_purch_03"    "luna: This will come in handy!"
    "luna_luna_scepter_01"    "luna: Ah, scepter."
    "luna_luna_scepter_02"    "luna: A lunar beacon."
    "luna_luna_blink_01"    "luna: Blink dagger!"
    "luna_luna_blink_02"    "luna: They can't run from us now."
    "luna_luna_items_01"    "luna: Black king bar!"
    "luna_luna_items_02"    "luna: Yasha!"
    "luna_luna_items_03"    "luna: Manta style!"
    "luna_luna_items_04"    "luna: Butterfly!"
    "luna_luna_items_05"    "luna: Satanic!"
    "luna_luna_items_06"    "luna: Heart of Tarrasque!"
    "luna_luna_bottle_01"    "luna: Patience, Nova."
    "luna_luna_bottle_02"    "luna: For when the skies clear!"
    "luna_luna_bottle_03"    "luna: Soon."
    "luna_luna_bottle_04"    "luna: Soon."
    "luna_luna_deny_01"    "luna: Denied."
    "luna_luna_deny_02"    "luna: Denied."
    "luna_luna_deny_03"    "luna: Uh-uh!"
    "luna_luna_deny_04"    "luna: Uh-uh!"
    "luna_luna_deny_05"    "luna: Absolutely not."
    "luna_luna_deny_06"    "luna: Ours."
    "luna_luna_deny_07"    "luna: No."
    "luna_luna_deny_08"    "luna: Bad luck."
    "luna_luna_deny_09"    "luna: Not on my watch."
    "luna_luna_deny_10"    "luna: Hands to yourself!"
    "luna_luna_deny_11"    "luna: Denied!"
    "luna_luna_deny_12"    "luna: Denied!"
    "luna_luna_deny_13"    "luna: Mm-mm denied!"
    "luna_luna_lane_missing_01"    "luna: Missing top!"
    "luna_luna_lane_missing_02"    "luna: Missing middle!"
    "luna_luna_lane_missing_03"    "luna: Missing bottom!"
    "luna_luna_drop_common"    "luna: Interesting!"
    "luna_luna_drop_medium"    "luna: Isn't that a pretty thing!"
    "luna_luna_drop_rare"    "luna: By the moon!!"
    "luna_luna_immort_01"    "luna: Immortality!"
    "luna_luna_immort_02"    "luna: As eternal as the moon."
    "luna_luna_haste_01"    "luna: Haste!"
    "luna_luna_haste_02"    "luna: Quickly Nova!"
    "luna_luna_doubdam_01"    "luna: Double damage!"
    "luna_luna_doubdam_02"    "luna: The crescent cuts twice as deep!"
    "luna_luna_regen_01"    "luna: Regeneration!"
    "luna_luna_regen_02"    "luna: Wounds are nothing to us!"
    "luna_luna_illus_01"    "luna: Illusion!"
    "luna_luna_illus_02"    "luna: The cavalry has arrived!"
    "luna_luna_invis_01"    "luna: Invisibility!"
    "luna_luna_invis_02"    "luna: We stalk unhindered."
    "luna_luna_notyet_01"    "luna: Not yet."
    "luna_luna_notyet_02"    "luna: Not yet."
    "luna_luna_notyet_03"    "luna: Not yet!"
    "luna_luna_notyet_04"    "luna: I'm not ready."
    "luna_luna_notyet_05"    "luna: I'm not ready."
    "luna_luna_notyet_06"    "luna: I'm not ready!"
    "luna_luna_notyet_07"    "luna: It's not time yet."
    "luna_luna_notyet_08"    "luna: It's not time yet."
    "luna_luna_notyet_09"    "luna: It's not time yet!"
    "luna_luna_nomana_01"    "luna: Out of mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_02"    "luna: Out of mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_03"    "luna: Out of mana!"
    "luna_luna_nomana_04"    "luna: No mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_05"    "luna: No mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_06"    "luna: No mana!"
    "luna_luna_nomana_07"    "luna: Not enough mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_08"    "luna: Not enough mana."
    "luna_luna_nomana_09"    "luna: Not enough mana!"
    "luna_luna_thanks_01"    "luna: Thanks!"
    "luna_luna_thanks_02"    "luna: Thanks!"
    "luna_luna_thanks_03"    "luna: Moon's blessings."
    "luna_luna_underattack_01"    "luna: I'm under attack!"
    "luna_luna_inthebag_01"    "luna: Look how they flee before us.  This one's in the bag!"
    "luna_luna_crumwiz_01"    "luna: Crummy wizard!"
    "luna_luna_shiwiz_01"    "luna: Shitty wizard!"
    "luna_luna_shiwiz_02"    "luna: Piece of shite wizard."
    "luna_luna_lose_01"    "luna: No!"
    "luna_luna_lose_02"    "luna: Defeated!"
    "luna_luna_lose_03"    "luna: Has Selemene forsaken me?"
    "luna_luna_win_01"    "luna: Yes!"
    "luna_luna_win_02"    "luna: Victory!"
    "luna_luna_win_03"    "luna: Nightsilver is safe once more."
    "luna_luna_pain_01"    "luna: Ouh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_02"    "luna: Ah! Hhh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_03"    "luna: Uh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_04"    "luna: Ow!"
    "luna_luna_pain_05"    "luna: Mm!"
    "luna_luna_pain_06"    "luna: Muh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_07"    "luna: Eeh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_08"    "luna: Iy!"
    "luna_luna_pain_09"    "luna: Oh!"
    "luna_luna_pain_10"    "luna: Mm!"
    "luna_luna_pain_11"    "luna: Ouh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_01"    "luna: Ahh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_02"    "luna: Rrr!"
    "luna_luna_anger_03"    "luna: Mmmuh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_04"    "luna: Uh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_05"    "luna: Houh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_06"    "luna: Ey!"
    "luna_luna_anger_07"    "luna: Psss!"
    "luna_luna_anger_08"    "luna: Hhr!"
    "luna_luna_anger_09"    "luna: Mmuh!"
    "luna_luna_anger_10"    "luna: Ehh."
    "luna_luna_happy_01"    "luna: Aye."
    "luna_luna_happy_02"    "luna: Ahh."
    "luna_luna_happy_03"    "luna: Ohhh yeah."
    "luna_luna_happy_04"    "luna: Mmm."
    "luna_luna_happy_05"    "luna: Ahh!"
    "luna_luna_happy_06"    "luna: Hooh!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_01"    "luna: Mm mm mm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hh ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_02"    "luna: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_03"    "luna: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_04"    "luna: Hm hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_05"    "luna: Ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_06"    "luna: Arr har har har!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_07"    "luna: Hhh!  Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_08"    "luna: Huh huh ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_09"    "luna: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_10"    "luna: Ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_11"    "luna: Huh ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_12"    "luna: Heh heh heh!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_13"    "luna: Oh ho ho ho ho!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_14"    "luna: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_15"    "luna: Hhh! Ho ho ho ho ho ho!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_16"    "luna: Hhh! Ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
    "luna_luna_laugh_17"    "luna: Hhh!  Ah ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Materials Update

We’ve another batch of material updates this week for the unreleased heroes.
Luna’s Materials


Rubick’s Materials

Naga Siren’s Materials

Nyx Assassin’s Materials

Templar Assassin’s Materials

Particles Update

We’ve a number of particle updates for the unreleased heroes, plenty of great looking effects this week.
Disruptor’s Particles

Luna’s Particles

Rubick’s Particles

Templar Assassin’s Particles

Undying’s Particles

Predictions For The Next Hero

A quick re-juggle from last week’s prediction, I’m now placing Luna as the next hero to be released, with Undying following up sometime after.

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